FFPE Reference Standards

| Introduction

Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) tissue specimens have been a staple of research and therapeutic applications. However, there could be several errors happening during the process of sample preparation, DNA/RNA extraction, and data analysis, which lead to inaccurate results. GeneWell FFPE reference standards are derived from human cell lines to mimic clinical tissue samples, and precisely verified for DNA allelic frequencies and corresponding RNA expression by ddPCR/rt-qPCR. It can be applied as a quality control for the whole workflow to identify variability in pre-analytical steps.

| Key Features

Available in both block or sections formats, with DNA or RNA type 

Covering pathogenic and hot-spot fusions and variants recommended by NCCN guidelines 

Cell-derived reference standards, highly mimic clinical FFPE samples

Strictly quality control process for extraction amount and allelic frequency of variants

| Product list

Click the product name to detail page.

No. Product Name Product Code Specification
1 Onco Fusion Multiplex FFPE(DNA/RNA) Reference Standard IB-GW-RPSM1006 1 FFPE section/tube
2 Onco Structural Multiplex 5% FFPE Reference Standard IB-GW-OPSM002 1 FFPE section/tube
3 Onco SNV Multiplex 5% FFPE Reference Standard IB-GW-OPSM003 1 FFPE section/tube
4 Onco Wildtype FFPE Reference Standard IB-GW-OPSM005 1 FFPE section/tube